Join AALRR Attorney John Bakhit as he presents CPOA’s 2-day POST-Certified “Officer Involved Shooting - Supervisor & Management Responsibility” course at the Davis Police Department on April 17 & 18, 2024 (click here for flyer). This course covers legal aspects and investigation of an Officer Involved Shooting, including critical incidents not related to the use of firearms. We will also discuss public perceptions, criminal/administrative investigations, case law, risk management issues, and dealing with the press and media.
On February 29, 2024, Governor Newsom signed into law Senate Bill 400, allowing law enforcement agencies to release statements announcing terminations of police officers and custody officers. This law is the latest demonstration of California’s commitment to transparency and granting the public more access to information concerning law enforcement employment matters. This new legislation further amends Penal Code section 832.7 and permits, but does not mandate, employing law enforcement agencies, to disclose peace officer terminations for cause and their reasons, under certain circumstances. This bill passed both the Assembly and Senate unanimously. Its passage was not without controversy, as opponents initially feared disclosure of terminations would be mandatory.
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